Rota: Day 2 — Rota Blue Triathlon

This morning we woke up early and got our gear positioned in the two transition areas.
The Olympic distance for my race was a 1.5K swim, 40K bike and 10K bike. To put that in English units, it was about a mile swim, a 25 mile bike, and a 6+ mile run. Even though I have done a number of triathlons, this was my first Olympic distance race. So, I set my goal for the day to break 3 hours and if things went well to go under 2:45. Oh, and I didn’t train for the race at all. Anna and I ran a 10K race the weekend before, but that was all the athletic activity that I did for the 2 weeks leading up to the race. Not very smart, I know, but I’ve found it challenging to break away from my current job and hit the gym.
Anna, as part of the team, supported Mary and Lorena in their events but went all out for the bike course.
Here we are getting our gear setup:
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The race started at 6:30 when it was light out, which was nice to be able to see, but made for a very hot finish.
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The race started in the water, which was a good thing since it was VERY rocky. With all 150 or so people going out of the harbor mouth at the same time, it got a little tight. I can’t imagine doing a race with thousands of other people.
Here’s a shot of what the swim course looked like. It was beautiful water … crystal clear and fairly flat water. There were 3 divers that I saw underwater taking pictures. I smiled for them, but never saw the results. Oh well.
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Here I am exiting the first transition area … off to go on a bike ride. After my 30 minute swim … I had a little trouble swimming in a straight line after the last buoy. Oops.
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Mark right on my heels out of the water and on his bike.
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Since Robbie had to do 2 laps (as opposed to our one lap) on the swim course, he was a little way behind, but going strong.
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The bike course was quite simple … follow the main road around most of the island, turn around and come back. I felt pretty good on the bike and finished in about 1:13.
Here I am starting out on the run.
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With Mark still on my heels…
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The run course was simply beautiful. I’ve heard there’s an even better run course on Saipan, but I have yet to do the Xterra Triathlon there. Anyway, here’s a shot of the view from the run course.
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So, about 8 kilometers into the run the heat became almost unbearable. Fortunately, there were people along the road with water hoses and drinking water. Without that, it would have been even worse … anyway, my run was by far the most challenging event. That was partly because it’s not normally tough, partly the heat and partly that I didn’t train. I finished the run in under an hour, but not by much.
My overall time for the race was 2:44. So, I beat my goal! Yea! I was pleased. Plus, I know I can do better next time.
As for placement, I finished 8th out of about 80 competitors and 1st in my age group.
Lorena, Anna and Mary combined for a 3rd place finish in the team event…and the only all girl team. Go girls!
Here I am very grateful to be finished.
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Mary in the finishers tent.
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After the race, we went back to the hotel to clean up, then out to get a little food. While we were doing that, Robbie was still out on the course. Just as we paid for our food, Robbie ran by on his last stretch.
We caught him at the finish line. He came across in 5:51. Quite a feat for his first Half-Ironman. That earned him 10th place in the Half-Ironman race. Good job Robbie.
That night we caught a ride from someone in the mayor’s office who was giving rides to athletes who didn’t have transportation to the race party.
Here we are enjoying some of the local drinks.
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The mayor was quite a character and gave a very impassioned speech about the greatness of Rota. In fact the climax was:
“Rota is … beautiful!”
“Rota is … great!”
“Rota is … delicious!”
After the speech the 1st and 2nd place finishers from each age group were called up to receive their certificate and small prizes (I got a hat and inexpensive pair of sunglasses).
Here I am shaking the hand of the mayor.
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The Guam Group.
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That ended our race day. We then had the whole next day to explore the island. Our flight didn’t leave until the mid afternoon.
So, I will explain more in the next post…