Holiday Party Number 1–Squadron party

OK, so our first holiday party of the year was on Dec 2 (I know I am late in posting this one too…)
Well, despite the fact that the weather is virtually the same here, year round (read: summer all year), it’s been a very festive month. We’ve been in Christmas mode since Thanksgiving.
This year’s Civil Engineer Squadron party was down at the Leo Palace resort. Despite poor customer service we received, we had a great time. The night was a dinner and dance that we thoroughly enjoyed. Since there were plenty of rooms available, we decided to stay the night. Unfortunately, since the resort caters to the Japanese tourists, there were only double beds in every room. Apparently that is what they prefer (or so the front desk attendants told us at least).
The next morning, we slept in, walked downstairs to breakfast, then out to the golf course.
Anna came along, but decided she’d rather drive the cart than be frustrated by trying to hit a little white ball. πŸ™‚
Here we are in front of the pro shop. As you can see, the course is very nice and a stark contrast to the surrounding landscape.
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Some of the people golfing with us…of course we only had a 4 people golfing in our group me, Charles, Stephanie, and Gary (plus 2 spectators…Anna and Gary’s wife).
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Stephanie unleashing her fury on the ball…
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Our foursome on the green…unfortunately, I don’t think any of us made these putts… πŸ™
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Here I am just finishing my swing…this shot actually turned out ok.
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Here we are watching the group ahead of us finish up.
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Well, it was a good day of golfing. Even though I don’t get to play as much as I would like, it’s still fun every time I get out.
So, until the next time…

1 thought on “Holiday Party Number 1–Squadron party”

  1. Hi James,
    Let me introduce myself…i am Charles Mom. Charles gave me the link to your web site and i must say i am enjoying it tremendously! You have quite the gift with the camera!
    Thanks so much!

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