Holiday Party Number 2–Base party

Well, the first party was a blast, and the second party was just as much fun. For this one, I was one of the people who helped plan it, so I had a vested interest in it.
We had it on base and it was more of a “tropical Christmas” theme.
However, with all the decorations, it still felt very much like Christmas.
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There was a competition to decorate trees…here are a few, can you guess which one won??
Tree #1:
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Tree #2:
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Tree #3:
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So, was it #1, #2, or #3?
If you said, #3, you are correct. It certainly fit the theme of tropical Christmas the best.
Each table was also decorated….some tables were very elaborate…others were….less.
Here’s a sampling…
The security forces table:
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The Civil Engineer table:
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Our table:
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After dinner, we had a cultural dance show. For those who haven’t seen a Micronesian dance show, here are a couple pictures. It’s quite enjoyable…not like the fire show, but fun nonetheless.
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We also of course had Santa pay us a visit to help pass out presents. So, here’s a picture with Santa and the Commander.
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After all that, the dance floor was opened and we let loose a little more.
Another good party.
Until the next one…

2 thoughts on “Holiday Party Number 2–Base party”

  1. Beautifull, I not speak english, sorry,,
    i Speak Portuguese..
    Ta tudo muito bonito mesmo. parabens!!

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