Anna’s Wisconsin Winter Wonderland

This January circumstances have required that Jim and I be apart for most of it, so I (Anna) will fill you all in on what I have been up to while Jim was “watching the earth be born” in Hawaii.
I took a little airplane ride (20 hours) from Guam to Wisconsin, stopping in Seattle to visit my sister, Susan, and her family for the first time. Susan weaves textiles in the traditional Skakomish (Native American tribe in the northwestern U.S.). During my day with Susan and her youngest son Akea she was preparing for an exhibit at the history museum in Tacoma in which her weaving was highlighted. I truly enjoyed getting to know her and spending some time with her family. I am looking forward to spending more time together in the future. Who knows, maybe we will get stationed in Washington one day.
This is Susan and her youngest son Akea getting ready for our day at the museum.
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Some of Susan’s textiles
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This is Susan and her incredibly active family
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After spending the day with Susan in Seattle, while they were enjoying their 26th straight day of rain :-), I flew over to Wisconsin to reunite with the rest of my beloved family. This trip can be summed up in one word … playing. I spent almost the entire time playing with my niece and nephews and loved every bit of it.
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After a few more days of playing, my best friend from Texas (Corree) came up to visit me with her son Perrin. We had an outstanding time playing and she and Perrin got a little taste of life with the Miller/Gingras family. They made it through relatively unscathed.
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I got to spend some time with my very pregnant sisters…
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Here are the moms all worn out from a day of playing.
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And here are my two favorite moms in the whole world (yes, this last comment is very biased)
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My favorite niece looking adorable as always
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There were lots of other people I visited with on my trip and it was great spending time with each of them.
I absolutely loved my trip home to see so many people I love. I wish Jim could have joined me and I can’t wait to see all of them again in September, plus two new additions :).

2 thoughts on “Anna’s Wisconsin Winter Wonderland”

  1. Great recap Anna and nice pictures! I had a fabulous time seeing you and meeting your family as well. I look forward to our next time together- whenever and wherever that may be!

  2. Yeah! Not pregnant anymore. Griffin Barrett Lewis was born on February 12. 9 lbs 12 ozs and 22 inches. Anna, we all enjoyed your visit very much (especially Gracie). Cannot wait to see both of you again and have you meet Griffin.

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