A day at Haputo beach

Yesterday, we went back to one of our favorite beaches on Guam, Haputo Beach. It’s on one of the Navy bases on the island, so that limits who has access. That also means that there’s often little or no crowd. Yesterday, we were fortunate and had it to ourselves most of the time.
It’s a short hike to get from where one parks down to the beach. Since we like to hike, that was a bonus for us. 🙂
This is the view of Haputo Bay from where we started. It looks like it’s a long way, but only take about 10-15 minutes to get there.
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It’s a well defined trail (there are even some old stairs to take you down the steep hill). Here’s Anna on the trail.
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You can see the massive crowds we had to fight when we got down to the beach.
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First thing we decided to do was lay out and soak up the sun. The wind was blowing, so it kept things *somewhat* cool.
Here is the view that we had from the sand.
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After a while, we decided to get in the water.
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Since the camera is not waterproof, we took it back up the beach, then back to the water for a little open water swim. This time of year, the waves are very calm, so we could swim through a cut in the barrier reef to get to the far side of the reef. There, the water is deep, crystal clear and teeming with life. We swam the length of the bay, got out and hiked back. A good workout, with a great view.
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Then, we packed our gear up and headed back up the hill. We had a dinner to go to that night.
So, until the next adventure…