Guam Liberation Day 2006

Yesterday was Guam’s 62nd Liberation Day. It commemorates July 21st as the day American military returned and defeated the occupying Japanese force during WWII. Each year, there is a huge celebration and parade to commemorate the event. While we didn’t go to the parade, we did celebrate with a BBQ with some friends.
We went to the main tourist village and BBQ’d on the beach. It was a beautiful day for it because it was cloudy (but not rainy) in the morning and sunny in the afternoon, but a breeze kept the temperature cool. This is the view from our location.
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You can see all the hotels along the beach in Tumon. This is where most of the 1.5 million Japanese tourists who come to Guam each year stay.
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These are some of the people who work with Anna and were with us at the BBQ.
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These are a few other friends who joined us for lunch.
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We had a good time sharing food and laughter with our friends. So, until the next adventure…