Final Guam Entry — Part 2

This is the second part of my final entry to chronicle our adventures on Guam.
This adventure was to hear our favorite band on Guam play, MOJO. Two of the members are friends of ours whom we met through the numerous multi-sport events on the island. This first one is Eric.
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This is Mark (kinda scary picture, huh??) 🙂
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Once we shipped all our stuff last week, we had to move into a hotel, and thanks to Anna’s friends at the SandCastle, we got a very nice room at the Hyatt. Here’s the aerial view of the hotel.
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This is the view from our hotel balcony.
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While we didn’t have a ton of time to enjoy all the amenities, we did make it down to the pool area a couple times. On the way down, you cross over a large koi pond, where this little girl and her mother were feeding them.
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Here are the playful and colorful fish up close.
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Then, down to the pool area.
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When I arrived down to the pool, I found this stunning woman reading a book next to the pool.
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We also found that there was a Japanese film crew doing what looked like a reality couples show in the pool as well. As far as I could tell, two couples would get on the floating raft, wrestle to get someone off, then music would play and they would dance. Then the process would repeat.
Here’s the setup.
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First though, they had to get in the water.
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Then, the dancing.
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Finally, the wrestling.
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It was rather entertaining, even if I couldn’t understand a word that was being said.
So, after baking in the sun (as well as bemusedly watching the Japanese TV show) and getting one last swim in the ocean, we headed next door to watch the SandCastle’s Magic on Ice dinner show. As usual it was very entertaining. In fact, our friend Lisa (who’s a dancer in the show), even gave us a little signal to say hi while performing.
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This is the lobby of the SandCastle, and if you want to see a Vegas style show on Guam, this is the place to do it (ok, so it’s the only place, but it’s quite good!).
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Here are some of our friends from Guam who came to say good-bye. We were fortunate and had several opportunities to say good-bye to friends (although these are the only ones pictured).
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These are the really hardy friends that came to say good bye at the airport at 4:00AM!
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So, that was the end of our time in Guam. We already miss our wonderful friends and the beautiful island that we were fortunate to call home for a short while. Who knows, perhaps someday we’ll be able to come back and visit. If we’re really blessed, we’ll have a chance to live there again.
So, until the next adventure in Los Angeles (our first stop back on the mainland).

4 thoughts on “Final Guam Entry — Part 2”

  1. Awwwww, that last pic got me all teary eyed.
    I’m just stopping by to say hello. Oh, and by the way, I miss you two! Tricia and I are going to lunch on Wednesday, probably to “Pataya.” It just won’t be the same without you Anna.
    Anyway, I hope you guys don’t forget to keep in touch. It feels like a little bit of sunshine has been gone since the two of you left.
    Take care! ^_^
    Just me,

  2. Jim,
    You’re pic commentary made me all mushy and teary-eyed – thank you very much! We didn’t look too bad for 4a.m. dontcha think?
    I’ll keep updated on your website and I’ll keep you both posted on our move to HI.
    Miss you both!
    Tricia, Crista, Isabel

  3. We already miss you both so much, wish you didn’t have to leave so soon! Enjoy your time back with family and good luck on your next big adventure!!… Cant wait for your next post and remember if you want some visitors, we are only a AMC flight away….

  4. Now I wish we’d have bit the bullet and paid the airfare to Guam. You have showed us an amazing place. I have to admit that I’d like a print of the open-mouthed koi!!

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