Germany at last!!

Well, Anna and I have finally made it to Germany! I know this isn’t really a trip (unless one can take a multi-year year trip), but I thought it was the appropriate category. 🙂
We’re still in the process of settling in, but we did get out and take a Sunday afternoon drive around the area. It’s funny, I remember dreading Sunday afternoon drives growing up, but this time it was quite enjoyable.
The Mosel River makes its way through the region we now live in. It traces a very scenic, meandering path through steep valleys and idyllic vineyards.
Here are a few typical views of the region.
Mosel Web 01.jpg
Mosel Web 02.jpg
Mosel Web 03.jpg
Mosel Web 04.jpg
So, hopefully, that gives you a little idea of what the area around us looks like.
Soon, I will have more (better) pictures of the region and our home.
Until then…