Germany at last!!

Well, Anna and I have finally made it to Germany! I know this isn’t really a trip (unless one can take a multi-year year trip), but I thought it was the appropriate category. 🙂
We’re still in the process of settling in, but we did get out and take a Sunday afternoon drive around the area. It’s funny, I remember dreading Sunday afternoon drives growing up, but this time it was quite enjoyable.
The Mosel River makes its way through the region we now live in. It traces a very scenic, meandering path through steep valleys and idyllic vineyards.
Here are a few typical views of the region.
Mosel Web 01.jpg
Mosel Web 02.jpg
Mosel Web 03.jpg
Mosel Web 04.jpg
So, hopefully, that gives you a little idea of what the area around us looks like.
Soon, I will have more (better) pictures of the region and our home.
Until then…

2 thoughts on “Germany at last!!”

  1. Hey you two! I can’t believe you’re in Germany already! I love the pictures – so pretty!
    Anna, I was hoping to get a gift out to you before your birthday, but that ain’t gonna happen. When you get settled, please forward your mailing address to me. But until then, Happy Birthday, to you, my Friend. Enjoy your new home, each other, and the bratwurst…!
    Love you!

  2. Thanks for the little window on Germany. It is as pictureque as I imagined. I am so happy for both of you to be settling in! Thanks for keeping us posted!

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