SOS part 2

Two times during SOS we did what is called Project X. The first time, our flight was … a little less than successful. However, in the second one, we were better prepared and consequently, more successful. You’re probably wondering what is Project X? Well, I can’t speak for why the name was chosen, but basically, it requires a team of six to solve a physical problem in a given scenario within 15 minutes. For example, you may have to move a dummy from one pedestal to another, without touching the ground in between using only a couple pieces of rope.
So, here are some images from our second time.
We got started early in the morning and gathered together as a group.
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Each flag represents a flight (about 14 people). Jason (#20) is holding ours.
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Phil looks back up at me through a tunnel.
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Jason emerges from the same tunnel.
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Can you see everyone’s worried about the board falling off?
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The group is negotiating their way back with a dummy. Although they look benign, the dummies are very realistic, which means they weigh a ton (or at least 130 pounds). 🙂
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Glen helps Lori (who was the only female and civilian student in our flight … and did very well) get across. One other point is that you can’t touch the red parts of the obstacle (or incur a time penalty).
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Teamwork is essential to complete the tasks.
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I just liked this image.
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At the start of each task, the group is given instructions on what is required and what the rules are for the scenario. Here, Eddie reads the instructions to his group.
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Joe, Jason, and TJ all work to get this log in the right place.
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TJ lifts the log while the rope guides it into the right place from above.
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Jason gets a hand as he jumps to safety.
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We had a warrior run during the last week. Beside the run, we also had to do a few situps and pushups. So, as was usual, we stretched out as a group.
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Again, since was doing the event, Anna was the photographer.
We lined up with a flight from another squadron. In our case, it happened to be the same flight that we had just played in flickerball (Tom’s flight). Fortunately, neither side held a grudge, so it was a friendly reunion.
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While we did our pushups, the other flight counted for us.
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Same for situps.
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Then, we lined up to start the run. It was only a three-mile circuit, so the distance wasn’t tough.
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Unfortunately, since I haven’t been training as much as liked, it was tougher than should have been. It took me just over 20 minutes to run it. At least the course was very scenic.
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When we finished our presentations later that day, our final graded event was complete.
The course was overall enjoyable and I certainly learned a lot. It was nice that I could attend after we left Guam and before we arrived in Germany though.
As I write this, I am in the airport in Amsterdam (although I am publishing it from the lobby of our hotel in Germany), so we have already embarked on the next phase of our journey. We look forward to many adventures here in Europe.
So, until we have pictures to accompany them…

1 thought on “SOS part 2”

  1. Anna, nice job with the photos. Why don’t you post more of yours? Jim, that does not mean that your photos are ever ‘less than’ whatever. Your photo of a great blue heron on the golf course river is my wallpaper at the moment.

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