Wichita Falls, Texas

This weekend, Anna and I went home. Well, at least to where our home used to be. We went back to Wichita Falls, Texas and visited our friends there.
Oh, if you’re curious why I added Texas to the title of this post because people invariably confuse Wichita Falls with Wichita, Kansas. 🙂
Aaron and Coree were kind enough to drive two hours down to Dallas to pick us up, then host us at their home. Before we left Texas in 2004, we promised them that we would come back and visit. Since we only had five weeks in the mainland before we left again, we really wanted to make good on our promise.
Something we hadn’t done in entirely too long (at least in my opinion) was go miniature golfing.
So, here are some images from our time on the “course.”
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This is Perrin, who accompanied us on the golf outing. This was the first time I met Perrin, as he was born soon after we left in 2004. He’s a very cute little boy, isn’t he?
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Here’s Coree.
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Perrin again, this time carrying a big load right in front of the pirate ship.
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Here is Coree again, with the replica castle of Sleeping Beauty Castle in Disneyland (AKA Neuschwanstein Castle in Germany)
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These kids look like they’re having fun, don’t they?? 🙂 OK, perhaps a little too much fun…
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After hitting the mini-links, we went over to Lucy Park, where we had spent many enjoyable afternoons. We wanted to go back and see the glorious (ok, perhaps that adjective is a bit strong…) Wichita Falls. Even if they are a man-made replica of the actual falls (made from a beaver dam that apparently washed away some time ago), they are still very pretty.
Here are the mighty Wichita Falls.
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Ok, the next 10 images are just of the Franklins and us, so if you prefer the landscape shots, you can skip down to the last image. 🙂
Here is the happy Franklin family at the falls.
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Aaron and Perrin:
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Coree and Perrin:
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Again, Aaron and Perrin. I think it’s fun to see just how much kids want and are able to learn. To use a bit of a cliché, Perrin is like a sponge soaking up everything around him.
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Perrin got very excited pushing the stroller…
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So, with that, our brief trip back to Wichita Falls drew to a close. We had a great time catching up with our friends there. We only wish we could have spent more time…
Until the next adventure (or trip, as it may be…).

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