South Africa — Penguins

Despite my best intention, this (and the remaining South Africa posts) have taken forever to publish.
Our journey in Cape Town continued to the beach. We wanted to see the only African species of penguin, Spheniscus Demersus. There are 17 species penguins, but the African penguin is what lives in the Cape Town region.
I won’t belabor this post with a lot of text … just pictures.
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Aren’t they cute? There was lots of penguin love on the beach that day.
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As you can see, the penguins let me get up close and personal with them. However, if antagonized, they do bite. I saw a woman nearby who had a huge welt on her hip because she wasn’t nice to one of them.
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Making a nest…
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I don’t know who this guy is, but he provided a convenient comparison to see the relative size of the penguins. Plus, I think he looks a little like our friend, Tim.
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The beach was a series of sandy areas and this one in particular had the highest concentration of penguins.
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One of the few families with adolescent penguins.
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This provides a different perspective of the beach. The boardwalk is where a majority of the tourists stay. It’s the easiest way to see penguins, but keeps you removed from them. I much prefered to be on the beach with them.
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Playing in the surf.
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Again, playing in the water.
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You can see why the beach is called “Boulders Beach.”
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This one was very cute. As I moved the camera to take his picture, he mirrored my movement.
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So, that was our day at the beach with the African Penguins.
Next up will be some images of our Safari in Kruger National Park.
Until then…