Wisconsin Wedding

Back in August we also made a trip to Wisconsin when Anna’s sister Emma married Scott. It was a beautiful wedding and we really enjoyed being with the family. It was fitting for a return. The summer before my sister, Julie, and Michael were married. The day after their wedding, I deployed. Now, three weeks after I returned, we were back in Wisconsin for another wedding. Next summer, we’ll be back for my Cousin Chad and Andrea’s wedding with a new baby boy (if all goes well).
Now, on to the Wisconsin trip.
We began with Emma and Scott rehearsal.
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Getting ready for the real deal.
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Anna and Susan at the rehearsal dinner.
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My beautiful bride.
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Susan also has strength and beauty to match a great smile.
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Billy Mitchell (or just Will) was a great ring bearer.
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The church seemed like a concert when they dimmed the lights and put a spot light on the happy couple.
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The happy couple.
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The best part of the ceremony (for them at least!).
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Just like in rehearsal.
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Dad Miller looking happy and stoic at the same time. He has the amazing ability to do that on a regular basis.
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Pat looking beautiful as usual. She identifies with the wicked witch, but I don’t get that. 🙂
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Emma’s friend Liz, who is also Pat and Tom’s daughter. I loved the way the light caught her eye.
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All 6 sisters together.
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The lovely bride.
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Mom Miller looking great as usual.
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Scott with the girls.
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I also got to hang out with two gorgeous women.
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Maroly and Juan, who Anna and I had a blast hanging out with. Next time we are in Mexico City, we look forward to seeing them.
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I recognize that tattoo from somewhere.
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Dancing was so much fun.
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Mom and Mike were certainly enjoying themselves.
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The next morning, we all gathered at the Miller house for the present opening. This image is quintessential Kira.
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A classic Emma look.
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Will with his big blue eyes.
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Sarah was the diligent note taker to keep track of all that stuff…
It was a great opportunity to come home and celebrate a special event with our family and friends. Until the next one…

1 thought on “Wisconsin Wedding”

  1. Hi Jim, Really nice pictures from Emma´s wedding good you didn´t load up the one from the cruzada hahaha…. ( remember that?) Juan and I just saw them and so that made me remember the good time we had there with all you….
    love always Juan and MarolY =)

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