Announcing… Alexander James!

Hi Everyone, I know I am WAY behind in my posts, but I will just have to come back and do those a little later.  Right now, I have much more important news and photos to share … our new bundle of joy:  Alexander James Gingras.  He was born on June 12th, here in France and is absolutely perfect (in our eyes, at least).

Both Grandmas (or Mémé in French) were here for the auspicious occasion and have been an ongoing help the first week.

So, here he is:

This is an image about 5 minutes after he was born.

These next pictures are from his first day.  Mommy and Alexander HAD to match.  🙂

This is his first day in his new home.  He is dressed in a very chic  hat hand made by one of my French teachers in Washington DC, Ramata.

So, that will have to suffice for now.  Rest assured, I will be posting MANY more pictures in the coming days.

Until then…
