Lest I get too far behind in my posts, please allow me to post some images from our “Baby-moon” trip we took back in March. It was our last pre-Alexander trip. We decided to fly down to Miami, rent a car, and drive to Key West (a destination we’d heard much about, but never visited). Then, after a few days on the island, head back to Miami (via the Everglades) and hop on a cruise for a week. Finally, after all that, back to DC, and fly on to the next chapter of our lives … parenting in France.
Ok, so these next few images are from a great sailing trip we took with Danger Cruises. We highly recommend their Wind and Wine Sunset Sail. It was quite simply, spectacular.
Although it looks beautiful, it was a bit chilly on the boat.
This is the view from the tower of the Key West Ship Wreck Museum.
The museum was filled with entertaining and enlightening stories of Key West’s Wrecking past. If you’re a little confused on what that means, so was I. Basically, it means that the people of Key West were able to capitalize on the treacherous weather and when a ship sank, they would remove the valuables from the ship and turn a handsome profit.
A feisty moray eel in the aquarium.
Anna looking beautifully pregnant.
These images below are from our trip into the Everglades. At our friend Tom’s recommendation, we took the tour in Shark Valley.
The vista from the tower reminded me of an African safari… all the way up till seeing the animals. Of course, there were some similar species.
The alligator and crocodile are fairly similar. These however are the variety only found in America.
A great egret stalking his prey.
A Tri-colored Heron.
Just chillin’
An Anhinga.
A Great Blue Heron.
Just a little guy … so cute!
Lounging on the grass. Although he looks docile, I took advantage of my zoom camera and kept my distance.
Another Anhinga, trying to stay cool!
The alligators were all over.
Looked like he was hunting … but after watching for what seemed like forever (5ish min), I had to move on.
A Great White Heron, wading through the lily pads.
Yet another Anhinga. Very pretty birds.
Did I mention we saw a lot of alligators?
An immature White Ibis.
Another Great Blue Heron craning its neck to see the water.
A final Anhinga as the sun was setting and the park closing.
Our time in south Florida was a great starter for the Baby-moon. Next, it was back to Miami, then All Aboard the Norwegian Jewel!
Until then…