Würzburg with friends/family

Last weekend we went to visit our good friends, Gabi and Philipp (Gabi is Anna’s German sister who you may recall from earlier posts), at their home in Würzburg. They both go to school at the university there and were kind enough to show us a little of their city.
Even though the weather wasn’t the best, it is still a beautiful city.
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Probably the most famous site is spectacular, baroque Würzburg Residenz. It was designed and built in the mid-eighteenth century to rival the other great palaces of the time, like the French Château at Versailles.
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Although we couldn’t take pictures inside, it was amazing. The grand entrance is a staircase that greeted visiting dignitaries to a massive art display. It was a frescoed ceiling that was 18 by 30 meters and completely unsupported by columns or pillars. In fact, it even survived the bombings of WWII that destroyed 90% of the city (and the rest of the Residenz).
Also, there was a room inside that was built to amaze visitors. It was covered by mirrors, gilt figures, and Murano glass work. Unfortunately, it too was destroyed in the fire that consumed the building, but after spending nearly 4 million Euros, it was restored to its original brilliance. That was my favorite room and apart from the lack of historical significance, it was more impressive (albeit smaller) than the Hall of Mirrors in Versailles.
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You can see the Marienberg Fortress in the distance.
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These are a few images from the Marienberg Fortress.
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Here is Gabi and Anna catching up.
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It was very enjoyable, relaxing weekend. We love spending time with them.
So, until the next adventure…