Bavarian Holidays 2010

So, our trip over the holidays was part vacation and part work.  However, most importantly, we got to spend it together.  Half of our time was spent up in Germany and the other half in France.

For the German portion, we began with a short stop in Munich … one of our favorite German cities.

We stayed at a great little bed and breakfast that was more like staying with a family.  Very homey.  We began our visit with the Deutches Museum.  It’s a huge museum and Munich’s version of the Smithsonian.  It was lots of fun and I can’t wait for Alexander to be old enough to truly enjoy it with us.

OK, so he wasn’t a fan of the food…  But, the museum was great.

After the museum, we headed over to the always magnificent Marien Platz.  If you recall earlier posts, we’ve been here a few times before.  If you’d like to see some of those images, here’s a link to an old post:

This is the Glockenspiel, part of the clock tower on the mayor’s office.

I particularly liked the contrasting expressions … too bad the girl in the back is not real.

Then it was a short walk over to the Hof Brau Haus.

The music was still great.

Although fascinated, don’t worry, we didn’t let X have any beer.

He was having a good time though!

Back through the center of town to see the tree lit up.

Next, we hopped on the train and went out to the Oktoberfest grounds where there was a huge Christmas Market.

I loved the colors of the market.

Yummy, meat.

Anna and Alexander strolling through the market.

Anna browsing behind this little guy…

After a quick dinner, we stumbled upon these two guys in crazy outfits who offered to do people’s hair.  Two brave volunteers got on stage and these guys went to town.  The girl wasn’t having so much fun…

After a festive evening, we had a somber following day.  We went back to Dachau to see the concentration camp again.  It’s notable not for being the biggest, but the first.  There wasn’t much left (it was torn down before the idea to make it a memorial took hold).

Shadows of the past…

Many men women and children were held and murdered here … under the guise of a normal “prison.”

The communal toilets.

Bunks for entirely too many people to sleep on.

An image of the barracks next to the foundations that are all that remain.

On a happier note, we next went up to our German family’s house, in the northern part of Bavaria.  Here is Santa’s Little Helper, Alexander.

Hey, Ronja, do you know we are getting presents??  It’s going to be soo cool.

Somebody was happy!

In spite of the white blanket outside, Rinehardt and I decided to go out and feed the deer.

So, he let me borrow some of his serious cold weather clothes and we headed out…

Not to worry, thanks to the great driving and unstoppable 4WD Mercedes truck, we made it back.

The tree was amazing, as always.  Complete with real candles, it sets a very festive mood.

Although Alexander LOVED all his presents (thank you everyone).  He was a little tired by the end of the night.  Unfortunately, nearly everyone in the house got the same bug and was violently ill for a couple days.

Nevertheless, we had a great time and ALWAYS appreciate and enjoy the hospitality.

The rest of our trip was filled with physical fitness and military tests … not nearly as much fun as the beginning.

So, I will leave it here and wait for the next adventure.

Until then…
