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August 04, 2005

Japan Trip -- Part 4 (last one)

This is the fourth and final entry from our trip to Tokyo last month.

After our return from Mt. Fuji, we rested up during the day and went back out that night. We decided that we wanted to see a traditional Japanese Kabuki theater show. However, since we don't speak Japanese, we opted for a tour package that included an English speaking guide and headsets that provided the English translation.

Here's a picture of the Kabuki-Za Theater we went to.


We enjoyed the show, but it seemed that the acting was more based on physical acting than delivery. It's a style of theater that takes some getting used to.

We also decided to visit the Imperial Palace and gardens surrounding it. Here's where the Emperor of Japan lives...









Here are his gardens:



Here's a great view of the juxtaposition of the serene and chaos apparent all over Tokyo.



That ends our trip to Japan. We loved it and look forward to going back. When we do visit again, we already have a list of places we want to see. So, until then....


Posted by jim at August 4, 2005 12:44 PM


Loved your pictures, especially the Mt. Fuji ones. Do you agree with the wise one? Or do you need to climb it again? (with your goggles and air filter mask)
One of my favorite pictures from Japan is of many people picniking under the cherry blossoms. Businessmen and others, generally very merry, orderly gathered under the lines of trees in the park. So they do have picnics!
(I suggest going to Nikko when you return.)

Posted by: Mom M at August 29, 2005 08:19 AM

The palace looks the same. Kabuki theatre was lost on me too.

Posted by: Mom M at August 29, 2005 08:42 AM

I loved your photos of Japan! What a beautiful country! What a great trip! Thanks for sharing them!

Posted by: Mom G at August 29, 2005 10:05 PM

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