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August 19, 2005

Base Triathlon

This past weekend, the base had a triathlon. It was a shorter than sprint distance with a 400m swim, 12k bike, and 5k run.

This year I have decided I really like triathlons (as this is my 9th of the year). However, they have all been sprint distance or shorter. I would like to race in longer, so perhaps in November I'll be able to convince Anna to go up to Rota with me (the small island 45 miles north of Guam) for a longer Olympic or half ironman distance. :-)

This particular race was fun...it was on base (so you know the course is safe) and there were over 40 people racing, which is a lot for our small base.

Here are a few pictures from the event (from the base photographer):

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Here is our friend Lorena getting ready for the swim...

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We are getting race instructions before the start

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On your mark, get set.....GO!

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Of course, not everyone was watching the race...

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All done with the swim.

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The third heat is ready to go (I was in the second).

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On my way back to the transition area after the bike course.

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Getting ready to run...

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Off and running...

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Coming in to the finish...

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Rob is very excited to finish the race!

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Here I am after the race. I ended up finishing second, so I was pleased with the result.

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It was a good day. After the race one of the couples invited about half the competitors over to their house for breakfast burritos. Another benefit of triathlons on a small island is that it's like a big family. That's true whether it's a military or civilian race. We plan on participating for a long time to come. :-)


Posted by jim at August 19, 2005 07:59 PM


Congratulations on second place!

Posted by: Beth and John at August 28, 2005 01:07 AM

So... I think I have the most hard core brother and sister--in-law in the whole world. I LOVE looking at your pictures! It makes me so excited to come visit you guys at Christmas! Can't wait!

Love you lots,

Posted by: Julie Gingras at August 29, 2005 05:36 AM

Hey Jim,
It looks like you really enjoy this triathalon activity! It really increases your enjoyment when you are doing well, doesn't it; congrats on your placement!
This must take quite a lot of training time to be doing so well. I am glad that Anna can share in your enthusiasm and work with you at her own level of activity.
On another matter, as a mother person, I feel much better that you two have actually gotten your advanced diver certification. Now you can go on these dives doing the things that you were doing anyhow, but doing it with 'certification'.

Love to you,

Posted by: Mom M at August 29, 2005 07:50 AM

Hey, Jim!

Nice finish! Congratualtions on second place!
It was fun to be "with you" at this event! :)

Posted by: Mom G at August 29, 2005 10:03 PM

This looks great! That exercise is so important and such great fun. Your mom and I are doing lots of walking, but I doubt if that qualifies. Actually she told me she was swimming and lifting weights and I'm bicycling, so I don't know if the combination qualifies as a triathalon or not, but at least it makes good healthy exercise. Enjoy! Your parents are looking forward to their visit. Won't they have fun! Best, Sylvia

Posted by: sylvia at August 30, 2005 12:25 AM

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