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September 11, 2005

Jim and Anna Gingras

Hi everyone, and thanks for coming to visit our weblog. For those of you who don't know us very well, let me fill you in on a few details:

First, here are a couple pictures of us:

Us 05.JPG

We've lived here on Guam since the end of September, 2004. Simply said, we love it here.

Here's the building we live in:

Us 08.JPG

And the best part of living on Guam is that the Air Force pays for us to have this view from our bedroom window...

Us 07.JPG

and this view from our balcony.

Us 06.JPG

The sunsets here are without a doubt, amazing.

Us 03.JPG

and the beaches are, of course, beautiful:

Haputo 01.jpg

I will end this entry here, and let you explore the site to get to know us better. If you have any more questions, please feel free to leave a comment.

If you would like to email us, please use:

JimAnna02@yahoo.com to contact us.


Posted by jim at September 11, 2005 11:46 AM


We really love this site. It takes some of the sting away of having you gone for so long! It makes us want to visit Guam too! Downings

Posted by: Pat at October 10, 2005 12:35 AM

Hi, Jim and Anna.

It looks like y'all are doing well and having fun over there in Guam. (Paradise, Mother said.)

I was here showing Mother how to get onto your website, so we looked at it for a while - and really enjoyed all the pictures. It looks very nice where you are and Palau was beautiful.

In case y'all don't know, we are having to move the Reading Room. The current property was sold and they are making most tenants move. They originally gave us 30 days, but Mother has negotiated more time for us. We have located a new place and are fine-tuning the contract now. It is in Country Club Village (corner of Midwestern Pkwy. and Jacksboro Hwy) where a Subway and Ronnie's Burgers are. It will have much better foot traffic, so it will be a blessing - once we get in! So much to do!

Well, take care. It was fun looking at your website. Feel free to add me to your e-mail list, if you want to.

Patti and Lois

Posted by: Patti Hamilton at October 13, 2005 09:33 AM

Jim 'n' Anna,
very nice website. Living here can be a hassle (even for a local like me!), but it's great to meet visitors to Guam who appreciate what the island has to offer.

See you at the races!


Posted by: Eric Tydingco at November 12, 2005 06:34 PM

Hi Guys! I miss you guys so much! I can't wait for yall to come back to Texas and visit! Or better yet for us to be able to visit ya'll! Anna you seem to be getting more and more beautiful every picture I see...ok u too Jim! HA~ Well, ya'll have a great New Yr! See ya soon! Kisses~ Shell

Posted by: Shelly Hicks at January 6, 2006 02:38 AM

Hi Jim and Anna,

Thank you for your pics...I'll be moving to Guam in June 06 for a 3 year assignment with my nephew who is in the Navy. Ive been concerned about what to do while im there or if i will go "island crazy " but your pics helped me realize that I will have a blast !

hope youre having a great time


Posted by: Sean at April 9, 2006 12:25 AM

Your last adventure looks like fun -- sorry we missed it. Hope all is well, we are getting settled in Louisiana. We miss you. Mark & Sam.

Posted by: Mark Koeppen at July 15, 2006 02:14 PM

Hi Jim and Anna,
We're Jim and Anna too. We found your site while trying to register jimanna.info. We are a young married couple in California who both love to hike, bike, travel and such. We love reading about your adventures and seeing your photos.

Posted by: Anna and Jim at October 6, 2006 04:44 PM

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