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November 10, 2005

Halloween fun

Ok, I know this post is a little late...I had it all written and ready to be posted when a very typical power outage happened (and all that work went away). I guess I just didn't have the heart to redo it right away.

Anyway, here are a few pictures from Anna's Birthday weekend, Halloween.

We started the weekend off on Wednesday by volunteering at the Haunted House on base. We had fun leading people around through a very scary haunted house.

We volunteered on Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday. We cut our time short on Saturday, as our neighbors (Mark and Samantha) hosted a costume party.

Here are some of the people who came:

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Even the food was scary...

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Anna and I were supposed to be matching superheroes. Unfortunately, my Neo costume didn't looks so good, so I opted for a scary alternative. :-) That meant we weren't a "matching" couple, but we had fun nonetheless.

Here's what we looked like:

Halloween 2005 03.JPG

Anna showing off her lovely costume:

Halloween 2005 04.JPG

My scary devil costume:

Halloween 2005 01.jpg

Halloween 2005 02.jpg

The King and Queen of the event were without a doubt, Mark and Samantha.

Halloween 2005 08.JPG

Some other guests at the party were Rambo (Nick):

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Strawberry Shortcake (Dean'na)

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Daisy Duke and her nurse (Rachael and Dan):

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Sam and Anna chillin'

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The girls of the party:

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After we left Mark and Samantha's place, a group of us went out to a dance club. They were also having a costume party. Of course, there was a contest for best costume...Anna wasn't eligible because she works for the entertainment company that owns the Globe, but I thought I had a chance...but what chance did I have against girls like the above picture. So, I didn't win anything, but Strawberry Shortcake came in second. :-)

Oh well, perhaps if I don't go with a scary costume next year, I may have a shot.

Halloween 2005 10.JPG

On an interesting side note, Batgirl and a devil making a funny looking couple on the dance floor...

Until next time.


Posted by jim at November 10, 2005 12:51 PM


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