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November 12, 2005

Duathlon in Tiyan

Last weekend Anna and I participated in yet another multi-sport event. This was a short Duathlon (2k run - 20k bike - 2k run).

One of the volunteers there was kind enough to take these shots for us.

Here we are ready to go. As you can see it's a pretty small grough (about 30). The event was organized to raise funds to help send some of the Triathlon Federation members down for an Ironman competition in western Australia. This race is a walk in the park compared to a Ironman distance race.

Nov 05 Duathlon 01.JPG

Here I am in Transition Area 1 (T1) after the 2k run.

Nov 05 Duathlon 02.JPG

Anna in T1.

Nov 05 Duathlon 03.JPG

The run course was a loop on the road, fortuantely, it was pretty flat so it went by quickly.

The bike course was also relatively flat (except one long slow shallow hill on the bike side). It was a loop as well, and we made three circuits to complete the course. The second run course was a repeat of the first.

Here's Anna going by on one the laps.

Nov 05 Duathlon 04.JPG

This is me coming back into T2 as I finish the bike course. You can tell because I already have one shoe off. I tried to get the second one too, but started too late, so I came in with only one shoe. :-)

Nov 05 Duathlon 05.JPG

I've learned that the ability to quickly change into or out of clothing is an essential skill to have doing multi-sport events. I certainly don't have it mastered yet, but it's fun to go as fast as you can.

Nov 05 Duathlon 06.JPG

These are pictures of some of our friends who were also competing.


Nov 05 Duathlon 07.JPG


Nov 05 Duathlon 08.JPG


Nov 05 Duathlon 09.JPG

Just after I crossed the finish line in 56 minutes and change. I finished third in the race overall, so not too bad.

Nov 05 Duathlon 10.JPG

Some other people coming in across the finish line:

Nov 05 Duathlon 11.JPG

Nov 05 Duathlon 12.JPG

Nov 05 Duathlon 13.JPG

Nov 05 Duathlon 14.JPG

Anna coming in T2

Nov 05 Duathlon 15.JPG

Anna finishing up the race in a little over 1 hour and a bit.

Nov 05 Duathlon 17.JPG

Rory, me and Todd:

Nov 05 Duathlon 16.JPG

Jolene coming to the finish:

Nov 05 Duathlon 19.JPG

Mary and Lorena:

Nov 05 Duathlon 21.JPG

Eric doing a great job as the race director and timing for everyone.

Nov 05 Duathlon 20.JPG

Here we are after another great race. I think that makes 11 multi-sport events this year for me. One more next weekend too...

Nov 05 Duathlon 18.JPG


Posted by jim at November 12, 2005 01:31 PM


Way to go, Jim! Do you get a ribbon or something for third? Anna, all I can say is, you go girl.

Posted by: Sarah at November 24, 2005 05:04 AM

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