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November 11, 2005

Tarzan Falls and Swim Hole

Well, last weekend, the day before a duathlon, we decided to venture into the jungles of Guam yet again. It was our friend Kevin's last weekend on the island, so we wanted to go with him somewhere fun. Charles and Stephanie accompanied with us on this adventure as well. It was quite a fun adventure indeed. In fact, as seems to be the theme to our hikes, it was a little more than we planned on. It took us three hours to hike through the river from Tarzan Falls to Tarzan Swim Hole. We had planned on it taking less than an hour. So much for my credibility with estimating time!

Here we are right at the top of the falls. It's a pretty well established trail to get down to the falls. A good beginner hike.

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Here's Kevin on top as well

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A view from the top of the falls looking down...

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The first little falls. Tarzan Falls is actually a number of shortly spaced out falls.

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Charles and Stephanie:

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The one problem with Tarzan Falls is that there are freshwater shrimp and eels in the water. As you can see, this was a bit of a surprise to some of the group...

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After we had our fill of the falls, we decided to continue the adventure and hike through the river down a mile to Tarzan Swim Hole. This was quite the rough path to take.

Here we are starting out...

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This was also about the point where Anna decided she wasn't too happy with the decision to walk through a river that reminds me of the mucky rivers from Vietnam you see in the movies...

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This is also where the photos stop. We continued on for another 4 hours or so, but it was a struggle just to keep the camera from getting completely doused in water, let alone take more pictures. So, unfortunately, you don't get to see the very pretty Tarzan Swim Hole, but take our word for it....it was worth the effort (even Anna agreed).

So, until the next adventure...


Posted by jim at November 11, 2005 02:27 PM


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