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December 19, 2005

Talafofo Caves

One of my other extracurricular activities if you will is that I am a member of the company grade officer's council on Andersen. Also, I am the VP who is responsible for setting up social events for all the junior officers (aka company grade).

So, over the Thanksgiving weekend, we decided to use the day after the holiday to burn off a little of the turkey and pumpkin pie...our destination was the series of caves in the village of Talafofo on the southern end of Guam, aptly named, the Talafofo Caves.

The most distinct landmark around the caves is Window Rock. In fact, here's what it looks like from the road down below:

Talafofo Caves Web 01.jpg

There were six caves that we explored. However, two were so steep that a rope was required. There was conveniently a rope in both already, but it wasn't safe enough to descend with out harnesses and belay devices...so, our exploration was limited to what we dared to explore with only our flashlights.

In fact, I didn't bring my camera in most of the caves. So, here's the only photo I have from the inside of the caves...and it's not a very good picture even.

Talafofo Caves Web 09.jpg

After we'd explored about half the caves, we went up to window rock. Here are the photos from the group up there...

Talafofo Caves Web 04.jpg

Talafofo Caves Web 05.jpg

Talafofo Caves Web 06.jpg

Here is Kevin climbing a tree...can you pick him out??

Talafofo Caves Web 07.jpg

Keith Q decided he wanted to be ON TOP of window rock...so, he jumped up that tree you saw Kevin climbing, used his machete and hacked his way up. Way to go, Q!

Talafofo Caves Web 08.jpg

Here is the reverse view of window rock. This is looking through, back down to the water and road.

Talafofo Caves Web 02.jpg

Talafofo Caves Web 03.jpg

Next, we decided to hike over to the edge of the ridge where there was an old US Geological Survey marker. We found the marker and a nice view to go along with it.

Talafofo Caves Web 10.jpg

Talafofo Caves Web 11.jpg

We also found a cave that went straight through the ridge and came out the other side, to yet another pretty view:

Talafofo Caves Web 12.jpg

Well, that about does it for my pictures of the caves...it's a very fun place to explore. I would like to go back with more gear and actually rappel down the 100 feet or so into the most technical cave...anyone care to join me?


Posted by jim at December 19, 2005 01:14 AM


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