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December 22, 2005

Piti Triathlon

To continue my triathlon passion that's developed here on Guam, here are pictures from yet another triathlon. This one is different for a couple reasons though. 1, this is an Olympic distance and 2, I did it as a team with Mark (who was kind enough to do the run).

So, here are a few pictures from last weekend's race.

It was a longer race, so as you can see there weren't as many people. I think we had 20.

Even though the water is over 80 degrees, it still feels chilly when you get in at 6AM.

I am the one on the left with the yellow swim cap on.

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Off we go...the swim course was a L shape. The first buoy was straight out between the two kayaks. The swim was very pretty, and this time, I even saw an eagle ray. So, it made for an enjoyable half an hour. :-)

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Here I am coming back in...again, you can tell it's me from the yellow swim cap.

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Oops, watch your step....

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Leaving T1 (I know, the picture's a little blurry)

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After the bike, Mark and I tagged off and he ran off to do the 10K.

Here he is at the half way point...

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Mark was the race director for this race...he looks so official in the orange reflective vest...

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His wife Lorena was hiding from the sun...

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The Seay's stopped for a quick chat as they were biking through (although not with the race).

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No real surprise as Jude comes across the finish line in first place. Yes, he is holding his shoes over his head. He said they were giving him blisters, so he ran without any shoes the last little bit. He's tough.

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Mark pushed it hard at the end and got us to a 4th place finish. Way to go, Mark! :-)

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So, yet another fun race...next triathlon will be on Jan 22, 2006. It's a shorter-than-sprint distance though, so it will be really fast.

Ok, until then, no more triathlon stories!


Posted by jim at December 22, 2005 02:35 AM


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