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February 07, 2006

Lonfit Waterfall

This weekend has mostly been about spending time with each other (since Anna and I were apart for entirely too long). However, what weekend would be complete without a little adventure.

So, we talked our friends Mark and Samantha into going hiking with us.

We decided to go on a medium difficulty hike. Our choice was a 40 foot waterfall in the center of the island called Lonfit Waterfall.

This was very close to another waterfall (that also happened to be the first hike we went on here in Guam, called San Carlos Falls).

So, without a whole lot of difficulty, we made our way down into the valley where the waterfall was. It helped that there was a pretty well established trail though.

When we got close, we heard a lot of talking, so we knew there were already people there. Once we got down to the waterfall, we found a group of about 10 Japanese tourists who'd also hiked to the falls. They were very nice and were just about to head back as we arrived.

Here they are headed back up the hill.

Lonfit Waterfall Web 03.jpg

And here I am on the falls. :-)

Lonfit Waterfall Web 01.jpg

Here's everyone else. As you can see, no one else wanted to play in the water.

Lonfit Waterfall Web 02.jpg

Once we hit the river, that became our trail for the rest of the hike.

Lonfit Waterfall Web 06.jpg

We also went in search of the swimming hole further up another branch of the river. The Japanese group also went looking for it, but told us they couldn't find it. So, we headed down hoping that we would be able to find it.

Eventually, after hiking through the river for while, we came upon the swimming hole (I think the Japanese group just didn't go far enough up the river).

It looked very inviting (since we were hot and there was a rope swing). However, two things kept everyone out of the water.

1. The mosquitoes were voracious (I killed three simultaneously
within a square inch on my shoulder)

2. There was a 4 foot fresh water eel swimming around in the
pool. While I HIGHLY doubt he would have bothered us, he was
big enough and scary enough that no one wanted to get close
enough to check.

So, instead, we took a couple pictures and turned around and headed back the way we came. :-)

Here is everyone by the water's edge (the eel didn't stay around long enough to get his picture taken).

Lonfit Waterfall Web 04.jpg

Lonfit Waterfall Web 05.jpg

Here's another local resident of the jungle (a Banana Spider).

Lonfit Waterfall Web 07.jpg

Here we are after the hike. As you can see, we got a little dirty, but that's half the fun!

Lonfit Waterfall Web 08.jpg

Lonfit Waterfall Web 09.jpg

Another fun hike with great friends.

Until the next one...


Posted by jim at February 7, 2006 12:17 AM


I get tired just viewing your hike, after experiencing one with you two first-hand! Dad

Posted by: dad at February 7, 2006 02:03 AM


Posted by: Mom at March 20, 2006 07:46 AM

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