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May 20, 2006

Beach Wedding

This afternoon we had the opportunity to witness our friends Brian and Constance's wedding on the beach.

Brian and Constance decided to have a traditional wedding on the beach just down from our condo.

Here are a couple pictures of the set up. Our condo is just off to the left of this picture.

Brian and Constance wedding 04.jpg

Brian and Constance wedding 01.jpg

The beautiful bride, Constance and her son, Blake, walking down the "aisle."

Brian and Constance wedding 02.jpg

The Governor of Guam officiated their vows.

Brian and Constance wedding 03.jpg

The Beale family and governor.

Brian and Constance wedding 05.jpg

Brian and Constance wedding 06.jpg

Brian and Constance wedding 07.jpg

Here is the wedding chapel next to our building. This one is designed specifically for weddings and was built last year.

Brian and Constance wedding 08.jpg

Brian and Constance wedding 09.jpg

Brian and Constance wedding 10.jpg

Brian and Constance wedding 11.jpg

Brian and Constance wedding 12.jpg

I know this is about Brian and Constance, but I couldn't resist getting one shot of Anna. :-)

Brian and Constance wedding 13.jpg

Brian and Constance wedding 14.jpg

It was a beautiful ceremony and we were honored to be invited. We are very happy for our friends and wish them the best.


Posted by jim at May 20, 2006 10:01 PM


Pictures look amazing!

Posted by: Kristopher Malloy at May 22, 2006 01:08 PM

What a beautiful wedding! Your beach and sunset were the perfect backdrop! Nice pictures!

Posted by: Mom at May 24, 2006 09:33 PM

How delightful to have a wedding in your backyard!

Posted by: Mom M. at May 27, 2006 03:22 AM

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