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July 05, 2006

Tarzan Swim Hole

Today, we took our largest group on the hiking trails of Guam. There were 23 people who came with us to Tarzan Swim Hole. We wanted to go somewhere easy to get to and had water to cool off in.

Here's the group by the water. As you can see, the main attraction was the rope swing.

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Unfortunately, this year's wet season has been fairly dry (thus far at least) and the water level was about 3 feet lower than last time we were there.

This is our friend Gordon going into the water. As you can see, he made sure to point his fingers and toes before he hit the water...

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This is Andy's father (his mother and sister were also hiking with us) who had no fear going off the rope swing.

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There are six Air Force Academy cadets who are on Andersen for a few weeks to learn about the Air Force. Here is a picture of most of them (all except Rodney in the middle are cadets).

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Here's Lindsey enjoying the ride on the swing.

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Still smiling as she hits the water.

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Gordon is apparently more interested in watching the rope than the girl about to face plant in the water. :-)

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Here's Gordon, still pointing those fingers and toes...

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Jen makes sure she can see where she's going, while Andy watches attentively from the shore.

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Rodney concentrates soo hard holding on to the rope, he grimaces...

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Jamie had without a doubt the most athletic water entry. He did a flip off the rocks into the water.

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Once everyone enjoyed the water enough, we packed up and headed back up the hill and off to dinner for Guam's best cheeseburgers at Jeff's Pirates Cove.

Until the next adventure.


Posted by jim at July 5, 2006 07:49 PM


Having fun again! You guys rock! Washington is beautiful right now. You really have to help us get something like this going so we can share too!

Posted by: keshia at July 5, 2006 07:23 PM

Looks like you had fun, you know that's my favorite hike on Guam!!

Posted by: Kevin at July 10, 2006 03:50 AM

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