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July 30, 2006

An afternoon in the water

This afternoon, was again spent playing in the water. We left on a boat out of the small harbor just a few hundred yards down from our house.

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We headed north to again visit Double Reef. It's about a half an hour to get there, so we had a little time to enjoy the scenery and sun on the way.

Double Reef is so named because there is a second, circular reef just offshore. Here is what it looks like.

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Once we were anchored, everyone geared up and dropped into the water.

This is Jessica (one of the USAFA cadets, who were also on the boat with us). Isn't she cute in all the gear?? :-)

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Then we have Sergeant SCUBA ... "Hi kids, one day you can grow up and SCUBA dive ... it's lots of fun!"

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Even though we only snorkeled today, it was great to be in the water. Plus, we got to lie out in the sun, enjoy the day, the boat and the people with us.

On the ride back home, I made this picture of someone who needs no introduction...

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This is the venerable Two Lover's Point where legend says two Chamorro lovers intertwined their hair when cornered by Spanish authorities to press them into a different arranged marriage. So, instead of face a fate without each other, they leapt off the several hundred foot cliff to their mutual (but joined together) demise.

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The clouds can be so hypnotic.

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This picture is of Oka Tower (AKA where Sgt Hall lives). We've included it by special request. :-)

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These fisher people are at the mouth of the Agana Boat Basin (our starting and finishing point today).

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It was a most enjoyable and relaxing day. This is such a beautiful island and the waters around it are immaculate (at least in most places).

Until the next adventure...


Posted by jim at July 30, 2006 09:30 PM


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