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October 04, 2006


This past weekend we took another excursion from our temporary home in Montgomery, Alabama. This one was nice because it meant I go to see Anna and my mother again. I know it was only three weeks of separation, but it felt like forever!

I arrived on Friday night, but we started Saturday off in the Botanical Gardens hanging out with the frogs... :-)

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There were also many pretty flowers. Flowers are always fun because they are so photogenic.

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There were many exquisite violet flowers there as well... (my favorite was the one with golden strands at the top)

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There were also these wild sculptures throughout the gardens. I thought this one was particularly interesting.

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Here's a self portrait inside the skull.

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After the botanical gardens, we headed over to the natural history museum. These are sculptures from the Rome exhibit.

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The next morning, we continued our cultural exploration of Atlanta. As we walked to the art museum, we ran into (or rather they rode by) a huge motorcycle caravan.

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These are inside the museum. I like how art museums are often a work of art themselves. This one was no exception.

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These two beautiful women accompanied me on the tour, and this is us headed back to the hotel to depart. It was another outstanding weekend.

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So, until the next adventure...


Posted by jim at October 4, 2006 02:10 PM


Flowers and frogs....subjects that sit still for you! The art of architecture is indeed more than just a worthy backround. Loved the orchids. Also loved the self portrait inside the skull.
Thanks again!

Posted by: Mom at October 10, 2006 03:25 AM

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