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December 25, 2006

England for Thanksgiving

OK, so I know I am now more than a month behind (and a bit ironic to post Thanksgiving on Christmas), but I wanted to share with you all our wonderful trip to visit our good friends Tim and Dori.

Actually, this was Anna's and my second trip to England. The first was way back when we were dating in 2002. So, we wanted to recreate a few of the memories. For example, here's the classic red phone booth (which unfortunately, we heard are going away).

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We enjoyed a lovely Thanksgiving dinner. Everything Dori and Tim created was scrumptious. Unfortunately, I realized after that I didn't have a good image that showed the finished product. However, here's the creation phase.

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They live in a little town outside of London and were kind enough to show us around. Here are a few of the images from our sight seeing tour. :-)

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Yes, these ruins are several times older than the US.

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Yes, this is the smallest bar I've ever seen (although I can't say I've been to that many and certainly not all in England, but it's small nonetheless).

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Here's the attractive Spaulding Family (little Oliver is resting cozily on Tim's chest).

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We also went on a very enjoyable hike through the English countryside. Here are a few of the images.

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Almost good enough to eat...

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Of course we knew where to go!!

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The next day, we went into a local restaurant for a picture perfect English breakfast.

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Here's another quintessential English item, a London clock.

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We also came upon a group of musicians raising money (perhaps for a charity or perhaps for themselves, but either way it was lots of fun to listen to).

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Then, to a local pub for lunch. We learned that these unique instruments are to filter the beer before it's poured.

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In all, it was a spectacular visit. We look forward to spending more time with them. It's nice to be close enough for a weekend trip to see them.

So, until then...


Posted by jim at December 25, 2006 10:35 PM


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