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June 10, 2007

Army promotion

Recently, I had the honor of leading a promotion ceremony for an Army Lieutenant. It's not often sister services are able to partake in these kind of ceremonies.

The order from the President authorizing the promotion was read in front of her platoon at the base post office which they run.

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Then, I administered the Oath of Office, which is the oath to affirm officers of the military will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic.

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At the conclusion of the oath, salutes were exchanged.

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And the congratulatory handshake.

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It's convenient that Army rank is now affixed with Velcro, since her gold second lieutenant rank was ripped off and replaced with the silver, first lieutenant bar.

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Finally, she ended with a few comments to her soldiers. The promotion from second lieutenant to first is an significant step in a military career. The new rank carries with it an increase in stature, but also an increase in responsibility and accountability.

As an Air Force Airman, it was an honor to be a part of this important ceremony for an Army Soldier.


Posted by jim at June 10, 2007 09:19 PM


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