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September 30, 2007

International Hike

As you can tell from this post, I have come home from Iraq. It was a great (albeit challenging) experience. If you're interested, the previous three posts have a few details.

However, one of the first orders of business was to go out into the incredibly green forest (especially to color deprived eyes). The first day was on this hike from Trier across the border into Luxembourg, and the second was an almost 60 mile (100km) bike ride. But, since I only have a few pictures of the hike, this will be a short one. We ventured out into the wilds of Germany with our good friend Ken (who you may recall from our Budapest trip earlier this year).

Now on to the hike: since we hiked along side of (or at least in sight of) the Mosel River for a long way, there were plenty of late season grapes (very sweet).

International Hike 01.jpg

We also happened across this interesting fellow (I mean the slug, not Ken...).

International Hike 02.jpg

International Hike 03.jpg

Conveniently, Ken had brought some carrots which made a perfect snack for our new friends.

International Hike 04.jpg

International Hike 06.jpg

In fact, they were even posing for Ken's pictures. She really liked the wind.

International Hike 07.jpg

International Hike 05.jpg

Ken got very creative with his images and posted a montage on One True Media. If you'd like to see the slideshow, make sure your speakers are turned on and follow this link:

View this montage created at One True Media
international hike

So, that concludes our hike across the border. The next post will detail our first "real" trip together again. We just visited the stunningly romantic city of Venice. So, until then.


Posted by jim at September 30, 2007 05:27 PM


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