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October 17, 2007


OK, in my rush to get the Paris post out, I skipped a very enjoyable tour of Belgium with our friends Dave and Dominique a couple weeks ago. However, here are a few pictures from the stop in Bruges.

Bruges 01.jpg

This is Dominique in the main square. As you can tell, Dave took this (and the next couple) pictures. For those who have traveled with us before, can you guess what I am doing here?

Bruges 02.jpg

Bruges 03.jpg

We have really come to appreciate Belgian chocolate. This is the inside of our favorite chocolatier, Dumon.

Bruges 04.jpg

Bruges 05.jpg

Bruges 06.jpg

The next couple are from our walk through the town after dinner.

Bruges 07.jpg

Bruges 08.jpg

This final image is from the Church of Our Lady. This is the sculpture "Madonna with Child" by Michelangelo. I know I posted one like it on the last Bruges post, but I liked this image anyway.

Bruges 09.jpg

So, although we wish we could have spent a lot longer touring around, it was a great time.

The next post will have a few images from last weekend's trip down the Rhine. So, until then.


Posted by jim at October 17, 2007 11:39 PM


Hello Jim,
Enjoyed meeting you and Anna and Dave and Dominique on the Rhine. Thanks for the dances. I am going to an Oktoberfest party within our gated community on Friday. I managed to buy 3 bottles of Mosel wine and got it home safely for Ron. Fortunately he was not too surprised with all of the Christmas ornaments I purchased. Take care dear ones. Please send APO addresses so I can start baking. Fondly, Susan

Posted by: Susan Yates at October 18, 2007 07:41 PM

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