Double Reef

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Our hike today was to a remote beach named Double Reef. This is on one of the many Navy properties. It’s secluded, pristine and as you can see, rather beautiful.
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Our hike included a few Air Force friends of ours: Kevin Mares, Romeo Miranda and Paul Hughey. Our goal for the day was find a good hike with water at the end to cool off in. Double Reef certainly accomplished that. We made it down to the reef with relative ease. In fact, it was our first hike on Guam that we made it to the destination without a significant detour. πŸ™‚
One interesting visitor we encountered was a 3′ monitor lizard. He posed in the sun for us to snap his picture.
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The beach was partly covered with trees, so that diminished the beach, but helped shade us from the sun. We explored caves:
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Land bridges:
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Small creatures:
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and snorkeled.
Romeo found the hike a bit more challenging, as the soles to his hiking boots disintegrated on the trip down. He survived (albeit uncomfortably) using my Chacos for the rest of the hike.
It was a good day, but we hope we didn’t scare off Paul and Romeo from hiking with us again…

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