Sponsoring USAFA Cadets

So, I’ve learned what it felt like for my sponsor family 14 years ago … and I have a new found appreciation for what they did for me.  Thank you Leitz Family!  I owe you … big time!

Part of my job here is to help the USAFA cadets who come on exchange.  That means I’m part AOC, part sponsor family, part teacher.  It’s a unique mix.  Fortunately for me, they are a good group.  I kinda enjoy hanging out with them.  🙂  OK OK, I really like hanging out with them.  However, unlike my sponsor family in Colorado, there’s more of a professional line to maintain.  Again though, the cadets are very good at respecting the rules.

Anyway, I’d like to introduce them to you.  Here they are:

Working clockwise from the back, left:  Scott, Laura, Dustin, Margo, Nancy, Kaeli, and Maggie.

Speaks for itself…

Yes, they like chocolate, can you tell?  This was the chocolate they brought over for Anna … fortunately, Anna didn’t mind sharing.

More fighting over the chocolate.

OK, so there they are.  Lots of fun and as long as they’re not getting in trouble, a pleasure to be around.  I’ve enjoyed getting to know them this semester.  I can only hope that future groups measure up.  We’ll see…

Up next will be more images of the little guy… Alexander of Aix-en-Provence.

Until then…
