A Day in Aix-en-Provence

So, during USAFA’s Spring Break, they send groups of students all over the world.  This year we welcomed a group in France.  While here, they were able to see a mixture of professional and cultural sites.  I was able to join the group for a couple days.  On the second, and a tour of Aix-en-Provence, I decided to bring my camera and a single, fast 50mm lens.  Instead of the usual zoom lens, this one forced me to be more creative and zoom with my feet.  I also brought several neutral density filters (thanks, Mom M.!) to increase my ability to make creative images.

Here is what the ND filters do… allow a longer exposure without over-exposure.  It aids the visualization of transience of humans compared to statues like the Rotonde which was built in the same year Abraham Lincoln was elected president.


The following images are some of the students who came to visit.



OK, he’s the exception … he graduated last year.  But was able to “profiter” and come as one of the chaperons.




These aren’t students either.  Just some Aixois people out for a morning stroll.


The city of Aix is replete with beautiful fountains and Hôtel Particulaires (read: private mansions).


The seafood market wasn’t in full swing, but there are always a handful of stands with tempting delicacies.


Yum!  Eat me!



The postman making his rounds.





Talk about a scary door knocker!


This little girl was too cute with her drawing…


More markets.  Even on non-market days, there are still markets.  It’s a GREAT place to buy food.  We’ve never eaten better than we eat in France.


With fresh, local fruit, it’s tough to go wrong.  These strawberries are not modified and as good as they look.


Those handy ND filters again… I had fun playing with them.



OK, a short post, I know, but it was a fun and educational day.  I learned a number of new and interesting facts about Aix.  So, next time you come visit, I’ll be happy to share what I learned!


Next up is a weekend in Andorra with a stop by the medieval city of Carcassonne.  Until then…

