US Air Force Academy — 2011 Graduation Ceremony

After our brief time in the mountains of Colorado, we got to business (=lots of meetings).  It was fun to be back at USAFA.  Some things have really changed (a lot more security) and others are identical (most of the buildings).  What surprised me the most was the flood of emotions I felt.  I hadn’t really expected that.  For example, when walking through the labs, I felt the same excitement and anticipation that I had as a cadet.  Or, walking through the library it felt as if I should have been studying for some impending exam.  But, that’s not why we came.  We went to strengthen the bond and understanding between the French and American leadership of our respective Air Force Academies.  Plus, we had a moment to present the former exchange cadets a certificate of completion from France.  Col Maïni was kind enough to perform that ceremony.

The main event was of course the graduation ceremony (still one of the top 5 emotional events in my life).  So, watching the graduation ceremony really brought me back 10 years.  Simultaneously it felt like my graduation was yesterday and a lifetime ago.  Strange.


Here are the soon to be graduates of the USAFA Class of 2011.


Streaming out onto the field.


About 1,000 graduate from USAFA each year (a few less for my class ~876).


Not too bad on the alignment…  As I recall, there was only 1 practice.


Plenty of people were on hand for the ceremony.  As you can see the stadium was about half full which means that 20,000 people attended.


The Sea of Blue.  The rest of the Cadet Wing (about 3,000 cadets) attends to watch the graduating class receive their diplomas.


On stage is the USAFA Superintendent, Lt Gen Michael Gould.  He is joined by the other USAF leaders.  Behind them are the underclassmen from the outstanding cadet squadron for the year.



The Secretary of the Air Force, the Honorable Michael Donley, gave the commencement address.


Secretary Donley congratulating some very happy graduates.


Nancy and the Secretary exchanging a salute.  You may recall Nancy was one of the students who came to France last fall.


She’s now a second lieutenant and a USAFA graduate.


After they salute the Secretary (or President, or General, depending on the year), they salute the prior graduate who is waiting at the bottom of the ramp.


Then, share a smile, hug or something similar.


It’s a very happy moment.




Finding her way back to her seat, friends congratulated Nancy.




Maggie shaking hands with the General, then waiting to salute the Secretary.


Maggie and the Secretary of the Air Force.


Well done, Maggie.



Picture perfect salutes.


Run, don’t walk.



Wow!  Can you believe it??!



I know EXACTLY how she’s feeling.


A USAFA diploma and Second Lieutenant Bars.  A great combination.



Toward the end of the ceremony, young kids are gathered in the end zone.  The tradition is that when the graduates are dismissed and throw their hats in the air, it’s bad luck to retrieve it.  So, kids are brought on the field to pick up the hats as a souvenir.  Also, many graduates tape the number of cents of their graduation year (e.g. 2011 = $20.11 or 2001 = $20.01).  So, it adds a nice little present for the lucky child who picks up the hat.


Taking the oath of officer to officially & finally become second lieutenants.  You can see the one guy who wasn’t wearing his white gloves is wearing his class ring.  The wearing of a class ring was started by West Point in the mid-nineteenth century.  It has since permeated to all the service academies.  It’s required for all graduates to have a ring (although there’s no requirement to wear it).


The Air Force Band playing the Air Force Song.


Class of 2011, you are dismissed!


Do you think they’re happy??


Woo hoo!!


The kids waiting for a chance at a hat (and maybe some money).



Well, that covers the graduation ceremony.  At the same time the graduates threw their hats in the air, the Thunderbirds (the USAF aerial demonstration team) roared overhead.  It’s a great exclamation point on the ceremony.  I remember my family telling me how surprised they were.  I hadn’t told them what to expect and the Thuderbirds fly by in afterburner which really shakes things up.


So, up next, I have a bunch of images from the airshow that followed.


Until then…

