The Calanques

We again visited the gorgeous Calanques.  This time it was with our friends Tom and Olga. Since we’d visited Cassis several times, we decided to try La Ciotat and take a longer boat ride to see more of the Calanques … turned out to be a great plan, with lots of beautiful bluffs.

Off we go!

The Eagle’s Beak.

Amazing coastline, don’t you think?

Would love to live in this house.

The Dog, with lots of kayaks below.

Cap Canaille.

The vertical walls of these Calanques are quite imposing.

Perhaps next trip, we’ll go on a sailboat and take a multi-day trip.

Anna and X hanging out on the boat.

He’s a little sneezer … kinda like his father.

Just chillin.

So, that does it for the trip to the Calanques.  Next up is lunch and wine tasting in Bandol … home of delicious rosé wines and robust reds that need 8-10 years to mature.
